I was invited by nextinsight.com.sg to publish this article at http://www.nextinsight.com.sg/content/view/602/60/
I had the great honour to meet up with Adampak CEO Mr Chua on 29th August at Adampak's office at Loyang Way. Prior to this meetup, I had submitted the analysis and list of queries lock-stock-and-barrel, to him via his secretary. He had already read through everything and gave me very interesting observations about Adampak and its business. I did not make any recordings, as it will be too rude; everything existed as just a verbal discussion that flowed for 90 mins.
I have summarized and properly categorised my takeaways from my conversation with him, as below. In all my analyses, as more information is acquired, it is only natural that the perceptions evolve and are refined to greater accuracy. Penned in this blog will be the observations and corrections to past erroneous perceptions. Please do not be alarmed as you encounter conflicting propositions as compared to earlier research reports.
Disclaimer: The author is vested in Adampak. YMMV.
On business strategy:
1. Gun for the big deals from the MNCs in any available sector
Mr Chua revealed that Adampak's business strategy is to focus on securing contracts from big time multi-national corporations and making their name known amongst them. Business from other MNCs will then automatically come through referrals etc. Gunning for deals from MNCs is a good strategy and there are two key benefits: firstly, Adampak can ride along on the bustling growth of the MNCs; secondly, increased resilience to regional economic impact. In 1997 when Asian was struck with the financial crisis, sales of Adampak continued to increase at double digit growth, simply because a bulk of Adampak's sales went to US, European MNCs.
The fact that 90% of Adampak's sales derives from the electronic sector is an outcome that is just somehow generated as Adampak just grew it's portfolio over the years; there was no deliberated or active efforts on a particular market focus.
2. Establishing a localised presence as a proximity advantage
In Mr Chua's words, "In this competitive industry, the first one in, wins." In the manufacturing industry, for customer companies to engage a manufacturer, they have to first go through a lengthy qualification process to assess whether the manufacturer is up to standards and can match their requirements. It is after the qualification process that the manufacturer will stand a chance at gaining a part of the contract. A localised presence has helped Adampak obtain more customers who have qualified their plant.
The best exemplification is China. Adampak set up a factory in Suzhou Industrial Park geographically sited alongside many MNCs and the company has an added proximity advantage over other non-local label suppliers based in South-East Asia. In many ways, this move has helped to increase the list of customers who qualified Adampak's plant. In recent months, the number of suppliers based in China has increased sufficiently for a break even point to be achieved at Adampak Suzhou. And it is expected for the number of qualified suppliers to continue to grow
3. Building strong relationships with suppliers to achieve a preferred label converter status and increase revenue streams
Over the years, Adampak has forged strong relations with their suppliers. Today, Adampak is a preferred label converter to 3M, which will recommend their clients to adopt Adampak's services. This further lends credence to Adampak's reputation and opens up an additional revenue stream.
4. Building a strong reputation of quality, reliability, consistency in service delivery
At first glance, it does appear that anyone can do the job of printing labels. But to be able to do the job, consistently, every time is an immense challenge. This is a critical success factor: over the last 20+ years, Adampak has built a strong brand of being able to consistently deliver high quality products on schedule. The brand is there, and the big corporations like HP, FedEx, Seagate, P&G, major telcos, etc. all know Adampak for its ability to consistently deliver at the lowest cost. It was also revealed that HP has been using Adampak's services for the last 20 years since the Adampak was founded. How amazing for a little factory that started in Loyang Avenue!
On growth drivers
"RFID faces a chicken and egg problem. No one wants to take the lead in adoption; everyone just want to be the follower of a tried, tested technology". Those were words of Mr Chua. The history of barcode labels is a very good case study. It used to be very expensive in the early phases of industry adoption, every company only started to catch on the wave when major players started using it and costs concurrently went down. Likewise, RFID in 3rd Party Logistics will definitely come as the next big wave, as it greatly simplifies inventory management, let's wait patiently to see this sector blossom.
On competitors
According to Mr Chua, it is hard to claim that Adampak is the industry leader in South-East Asia because the coverage is just too difficult to ascertain. There are so many companies operating in a similar fashion in the region, and all are covering different scopes with different strategies. Just to name a few, like Brady, Zephyr (these I know) and ITW, etc. I would estimate there are 10 odd competitors in this industry.
Nonetheless, Adampak is certainly no small player here. Mr Chua shared that a lot of MNCs know Adampak when it comes to die-cut products and high end labels, and companies acknowledge Adampak's reputation for a consistent delivery of quality products. This is a good sign of a company that probably counts as the top few of the list.
"RFID faces a chicken and egg problem. No one wants to take the lead in adoption; everyone just want to be the follower of a tried, tested technology". Those were words of Mr Chua. The history of barcode labels is a very good case study. It used to be very expensive in the early phases of industry adoption, every company only started to catch on the wave when major players started using it and costs concurrently went down. Likewise, RFID in 3rd Party Logistics will definitely come as the next big wave, as it greatly simplifies inventory management, let's wait patiently to see this sector blossom.
On competitors
According to Mr Chua, it is hard to claim that Adampak is the industry leader in South-East Asia because the coverage is just too difficult to ascertain. There are so many companies operating in a similar fashion in the region, and all are covering different scopes with different strategies. Just to name a few, like Brady, Zephyr (these I know) and ITW, etc. I would estimate there are 10 odd competitors in this industry.
Nonetheless, Adampak is certainly no small player here. Mr Chua shared that a lot of MNCs know Adampak when it comes to die-cut products and high end labels, and companies acknowledge Adampak's reputation for a consistent delivery of quality products. This is a good sign of a company that probably counts as the top few of the list.
He also revealed that Zephyr did make an attempt to break into China many years back, but the venture failed miserably and never materialised, and this made Zephyr's management adopt a more conservative approach of keeping to local confines of Malaysia and China.
On production capacity and scaling up capabilities rapidly
Adampak's factories run 24 hours shift. Mr Chua shared, "in this industry, there's no way you can survive if you work only on 1 shift". The plants run at full capacity for 5 full working days, and during peak periods, the staff work overtime. Clearly, Adampak is running at maximum operating capacity, with little evidence of any excesses.
One of the critical success factors for the manufacturing business is the ability to flex and scale up production capacity rapidly within a very short notice. If a company does not have strong processes in place, achieving a rapid scaling up will not be possible. Mr Chua shared that Adampak has the ability to set up new plants, new factories and get them up and running in a matter of 2~3 months.
On financial management
The sense of financial prudence
Mr Chua shared that the management closely watches the returns on equity. In addition, the company practises a good sense of financial prudence because the management is always fully cognizant of the risks involved in credit calls when banks face a liquidity crunch. Adampak has consistently maintained a high current ratio (current assets over current liabilities), whereby the short term borrowings and liabilities are well within the company's capabilities to repay within 1 year.
Good cashflow management
He also mentioned that Adampak happens to be doing well in this area and is very fortunate because "the customers see the company not as bankers", and their clients have been very prompt and regular with their payments. This is another sign of a well managed business where the company has a very strong relationship of trust and goodwill with their clients.
On process re-engineering and cost rationalization
Adampak does not have a specific department on this. But what they have are a few key staff trained in Six-Sigma (a qualification in process streamlining to reduce costs). Initiatives on cost rationalization are always on-going. For quality checks, computerised imaging was employed a few years back, but there are problems with obtaining a consistent output. Hence the idea was shelved and manual labour is retained. "Nothing beats a visual check", he says.
Putting the money at where there are greatest cost savings/avoidance
If there are any projects ongoing, Mr Chua cited that the company will generally invest more resources to refine the key processes that are potential show-stoppers in the entire manufacturing process. For example, one of the showstoppers in the label manufacturing chain is the punching of label holes and unwarranted retention of debris that causes clogging. This was mentioned by Mr Chua to be a real problem where resources in engineering were diverted to improve the process because of the immense costs of failure in the entire chain.
On Aident
Mr Chua shared that the original plans for Aident was to secure a public listing on the Malaysian Stock Exchange. However, for some reasons, this did not materialise.
I vaguely recalled that in one of my conversations with a Malaysian factory businessman, he mentioned that for anyone to go on a public listing in M'sia, 50% of the company shares will have to go to the government. That is why, there are so many companies that do not want to go public listing to raise funds, because by doing so, they will have lost control of the company and will be reduced to doing the bidding of the government. This is anecdotal evidence, and has yet to be verified. But this might just be one of the reasons that Aident's listing never materialised and Adampak decided to acquire Aident.
On dilution of earnings post-consolidation with Aident
Mr Chua enlightened that the gross profit margin dilution is primarily due to a consolidation with Aident. For 1H07, profits from the associate company Aident were accounted for, but not the revenue. Whereas for 1H08, post-consolidation, the revenue is now included, hence this accounts for the decline.
On impact of inflation and cost increases
I further asked Mr Chua on the impact of inflation on Adampak's business. He gave a very straightforward reply that these are factors that are not within Adampak's control, and when raw material costs increases, Adampak just transfer the cost increases to the customer. This also meant that Adampak should be insulated from damaging effects on cost increases in raw material
On employees
Giving where credit is due, and striving to reduce employee turnover to a minimum
Adampak's management strongly believes in the principle of rewarding the employees for their efforts. This could probably explain why admin expenses generally rose in a 1:1 ratio to revenue, while maintaining a very strong ROE. And this principle has done Adampak a lot of good. Mr Chua shared that it's a well known fact that "Adampak has one of the lowest employee turnover rates around"
This is comforting, because with a HR policy that focuses on rewarding good managers for their efforts, I do not have to worry about excellent managers being poached by other companies.
On management succession planning
I asked him on the plans for management succession planning, he mentioned that this has already put in place - all the managers running different segments of the company. As for the question of importing foreign talent to helm the ship, like many Singapore companeies, Mr Chua said that the issue is not on foreign talent, but on finding the right man for the right job. He is confident that if he is not around, his managers can step up and run the company as well as he does.
On the board of directors
A strong representation of independent directors with experience across multiple industries
Mr Chua also shared that the representation of solid independent directors who hold concurrent appointments on other companies' board helped a lot. The executive management has received good advice from these people who are able to draw on their industry experience.
My final remarks
I think Adampak is a very good company, that is well worth the money I put in as investment. From a financial perspective: the intrinsic value is much higher than the current share price of S$0.22, and there's a very significant margin of safety. Moreover, the net asset value approximates S$0.18 cents per share. Their current significant exposure to the electronics industry will also mean that they may ride along the economic cycles, but I do not expect their ardent clients like HP and Fed-Ex to go out of business, so I am not really worried.
(A sidenote, I realised that HDD are dirt-cheap now. Now, don't you think that developing nations will be very hungry over the next few years for such low-cost storage?)
From a people perspective: it is well managed by a strong team, and this is validated by every single touch point I have with Adampak. From asking of AGM minutes, to requesting for a meetup with the CEO, to posing as a customer to test the sales staff competency, to warm customer service officers who gladly brought me around the factory floor to see a group of workers who are going about their tasks professionally. The team has not failed my expectations thus far. The management is financially prudent, and people like Mr Chua comes across as a forthcoming person an astute businessman.
Does it really bother me if there will be a recessionary year ahead and that electronics industry may be affected? Not at all. Even if the stock market shuts down for the next 12 months, I can continue to sleep well, knowing that the company will continue running and my money will be in good hands. I have done my due diligence to the best of my abilities, and the entire study tells me that the odds are in my favour. Let's wait to see if this gem will really shimmer and shine so brightly that the market cannot ignore anymore.
For Adampak, I have done more than sufficient as an analyst and part owner. It's time to move on to understand other businesses, while keeping this in view.
(P.S. Mr Chua was visibly impressed when he knew that all the written analyst reports I submitted to him came from an engineer. "Not many engineers I know write as well", he said. What a compliment! I guess I was just short of submitting my resume to seek employment in Adampak. :P )
(P.S. Mr Chua was visibly impressed when he knew that all the written analyst reports I submitted to him came from an engineer. "Not many engineers I know write as well", he said. What a compliment! I guess I was just short of submitting my resume to seek employment in Adampak. :P )
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